
A Prayer of the Day

Father, God, Holy, God, we thank you for life, health and strength, for the privilege to bow before you, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Eternal Father our Creator, we seek the grace of forgiveness from the wellspring of life and love, as penitent saints we place our multitude of sins before you, thankful that by grace through faith are our sins washed and we are cleansed in the fountain of the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah, we give you praise.

Father give us a heart and mind focused on Jesus Christ that we might not be distracted from our eternal purposes, ministries and service by the conglomeration of life. Father nurture a faith in us far beyond the kind that has an annual relationship with you, rather may you be a daily, minute by minute, hour by hour, primary and significant part of our life.  May our praise and worship be motivated  not by the material things which come into our lives as a natural part of our participation in the things of the world, but by the glory that has been deposited in us by your love and saving graces of mercy, joy and peace.  May you be our reason in every season for a resounding and joyous praise, prayer and worship. May we be sealed in our forehead, heart and hand with the Mark of the Holy Spirit forever.

Father we thank you for your attentiveness and granting to the petitions of this prayer as we pray in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood. Amen.