
A Prayer of the Day

Father, If we pray with the tongue of angels and have not love,… Lord give us love, teach us love, fill us, anoint us with love, that we may pray unto you with love, in love.

Father bless us with the forgiveness of our sins, bless us with the washing of the blood, as we repent of all unrighteousness, ill intent, or ungodly thought.

Perfect us in the holy art of forgiveness, molding us in the heavenly character of Jesus.

Father we need all of You, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, all the Ascension gifts, all the unction and anointing available as the forces of hell gather, as the clouds of deception loom ever larger, as we approach the revealing of the man of lawlessness.

Build us and equip us Father, that this generation of saints be matured unto the spiritual warfare that we are presently engaged. Never before has a generation been so equipped with the Word of God so accessible. To whom much is given, much is required, we have these blessed gifts of Word, of communication and means of media, because the warfare is escalated.

Open the eyes of Your children, give us the discernment to see the battle arrangements.  Make us wise in the use of the resources of our armory, bring us to our knees to pray, our means of lock and load.

Father bless us this day that we walk the anointed walk, the Way of the Word, before Your throne of authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.