
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Eternal, Everlasting, Forever God. Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, Thou art God, whom can claim other? Father, We lift our eyes unto You, the God of Oh, So Great Love that You could conceive of Your Self Sacrifice and shedding of Your very Own Blood as the Fulfillment of our sin.

Father with Calvary in mind, we bring our sins, evil intents, malicious minds, and wilful works, before You pleading forgiveness. Father, You are the ever Faithful, Forgiving, Benevolent Benefactor that Graciously provides the removal of our transgressions.

We are dipped, bathed and immersed in the Blood of the Lamb, the fountain of forgiveness that flows from Emanuel’s veins. Blood of the Father, Blood of the Holy Spirit, The very Blood of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Father, blood bought, bound, saved and sanctified, we rise this day empowered in the boldness of our faith and the very righteousness of God. We are the Church, the body and bride of Christ, pure, Holy, magnificent, marvelous, miraculous and mighty.

Father we thank You that we are equipped for the completion of every good work. The fruit of the Holy Spirit flowing from us, unending Love, boundless Joy, Peace that passes all understanding, patience to endure all things, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Father we are an effective force in the world, changing the works of darkness into the blessings of the Kingdom of God.

Father as a mighty spiritual army we break down every stronghold of evil, repairing the breeches, standing in the gaps, and restoring the ravished. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are unconquerable, unstoppable, and ever victorious. Father we thank You to be part of the outpouring of so great Love, we praise You, we worship You, Hallowed is Your Name, Glory!Hallelujah!

Father we lift our eyes skyward in anticipation of the day You crack the heavens, longing lovingly the day of Your return. Father in the light of Your love we present our prayers before Your throne of mercy, grace and authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.