
A Prayer of the Day…

Father God, HOLY GOD! Supreme Sovereign Creator, Elohim, Yehovah, Adonai, I AM, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, Oh, Ancient of Days, The Rock of Ages, we greet You this day in Thanksgiving, that by prayer we are granted entrance to the Throne of Grace, All-Mighty Father, Hallelujah!

Father, we adore You, our admiration, our reverence, is evident in our Praise, our Worship for You are ever so Worthy! We Praise You! We Glorify You, We Magnify Your Name! Father, we bow in repentance of all of our sins, sorrowful of our inability to hit the mark, remorseful of all of our many misdeeds, willful thoughts, plans and schemes.  Father, we beg Your absolution and cordially receive from Your faithful forgiveness the blessed washing and cleansing of the Blood of Jesus.

Father, we are grateful, for this bathing, dipping and immersing in the Blood of the Lamb, sometimes requiring more scrubbing than others, yet the resultant effect is the same, we come forth as clean as the driven snow, pure as the most precious gold, refined in the refiners furnace, consumed in Amazing Grace, encompassed in Your total tender mercies. Father, how sweet is the communion of Your Saints ever blessed in Righteousness, in the household of Faith, the Family of God.

Father, in faith eternal we rise this day, prepared, equipped and ready to meet the onslaught of the devils plans.  Father we pray blessings and providential provision upon those whom have partaken of the worse effects of the present economy.

Father, we pray healing upon those devastated by illness and those oppressed by addictions. Father we pray restoration into loss, reinstatement into falling’s, recovery into disasters, repair into every breech, rain into every drought, refreshment for every thirst, and regeneration for every broken heart and contrite spirit. Father, we pray invincibility for the Saints, the victory and overcoming of Your sons and daughters.  Father, we need Your rain of Holy Spirit anointing, empowerment and unction,

Father, bless us to be living sanctuaries, living sacrifices, living Word forever in action with the Love of God spread aboard, abounding unto every good work, lifting up Jesus, that You, Father, in heaven may be glorified.

Father, bless us this day as we present our prayers before Your throne of authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His Blood, amen.