
A Prayer of the Day

The Prayer of the Day Audio Version
Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD Creator, we bow before You that spoke all things into existence, the Marvelous Master of the Universe, we thank You and are grateful for the Grace You have bestowed upon us, grace not unto itself but grace upon grace, a gift so great and good it continually gives.

We thank you for Your Love, which daily provides for us from the bounty of Your Providence, every good and precious provision, fulfilling every temporal need, an abundance that is ever present in all creation. Father we thank You for fulfillment of the spiritual as well as the physical, understanding one worketh to our good for Now, and the other for our good, Later. Father, we thank You for the Now & Later. Father You are a Good and Gracious, God.

Father, we bring the wretchedness of all of our sins before You, pleading Your forgiveness and although worthy of only death, You in Your Amazing Grace, Infinite Mercy and Compassion, grant us complete absolution and cleansing in the Blood of the Lamb, pools flowing from the fountains that spring eternal from Emanuel’s veins.

Father, we take an immersion, dipping and bathing in the very glow of the flow, Blood bathed, bought and bound, to the Eternal Holiness and Righteousness of the One True God, YAHWEH! Hallelujah!

Father, as we emerge from the washing, we have joy and jubilation on our lips, praise and worship spring forth eternal, as our hearts burst forth in prayer, praise, and worship, empowered by so great a Holy Spirit that our worship turns into our service as we preach, teach, and prophesy of the Great and Tender Mercies of our Heavenly Kingdom of God.

Father, Your Holy Spirit Unction Unleashes in Us, and we are motivated and inspired to do great adventures and exploits, tearing the devils kingdom down and leaving in its wake, the saved, the healed, the delivered and the set free.

Father, we beg Your blessings upon all the prayers of the Saints, as our petitions are an ever sweet savor unto Your nostrils, rising to Your throne of Love, Joy and Peace, in the Mighty and Matchless name of Jesus, and by the Power of His Blood, do we count all these things done, amen.
The Prayer of the Day Audio Version