
A Prayer of the Day

PrayerFather God, Holy God, Mighty & Majestic is your name, we bow before you Lord this day praying the forgiveness of our sins, our every missing the mark, our sins of omission, and the motivations that are unworthy of a heart and mind focused in You. We receive and accept Your forgiveness and thank You for the cleansing that follows in the Blood of Jesus. Hallelujah, we thank You Lord.

Bless every fellowship gathered in Your name, in every corner of the world. Bless Your saints to come together with a fire in their hearts, a song, a prayer, a testimony, a Word, ready to share and to give, as well as receive. Bless the Ascension gifts as they rise to bless the Body with instruction unto edification, preparing the saints for the works of ministry, service in Your name, that Your peculiar people, Your royal priesthood would be equipped unto every good work. Let the order provided by the presence of the Anointing take preeminence in the worship of You, that there be an encounter for those in need, and that contrivances are replaced with pure praise, holy worship and truth.

Let Christ be Exalted! Let Jesus be lifted up that He might draw all men unto Him. Father You know our needs and requirements, each and everyone, let a quiet reverence be where You might need be discerned, or a raucous joyous noise where that expression is warranted. Let all be done unto the edification of Your Body that we might be a prepared people for a prepared place ready to meet You in the Sky. Maranatha, Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus and the power of His blood, amen.