
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Mighty, Matchless and Marvelous is Your name.  Hallelujah!  You are above and beyond, through and around, underneath and below, in our everywhere and in our right now.

Oh Supreme Sovereign Father, we ascribe unto You Glory, thou are a Great and Glorious God, eternal before all.

We bow this day, with our sin before us, presented in penitence and remorse, begging Your forgiveness, and faithfully receiving the washing of the Blood. Glory! Hallelujah! Rock us Lord in the bosom of Your love, El-Shaddai the many breasted one, bless us in Your nurturing, feeding us the Holy manna.

We rise in willingness to Your Way, hands lifted to praise, worship and work.  We are filled to overflowing in the Holy Spirit, zealous to enter in to the wonders of service, ministry, in every thing  in which we touch.  May we bring glory to You Father, in the smallest details of our lives.  Shake from us any weariness, worry or fears.

Place in us, the courageous heart of Joshua, entering into the promise, conquering in the beauty of holiness, moving in the countenance of love, anointed. May we lift up Jesus that we may lift up all mankind, ever ready to give answer for the Joy which lives within us.

Let us bring hope where there is despair, healing where there is hurt, righteousness where there is injustice, in the power of the kingdom of God. May Jesus this day be multiplied in us. Hallelujah!

Father bless us, as we bless, giving honor and answer to our prayers presented before Your throne of authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.