
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, we bow unto, God of the innumerable, immeasurable, unquantifiable, the infinite and eternal. Father, Your love knows no bounds, Your power no limits, Your knowledge and wisdom, unfathomable, Your glory, indescribable, Your presence, just awesome. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of Your majesty, we bring the sacrifice of praise and worship unto You, as we make our penitent petition, for the forgiveness of our sins.

Thank You Lord, for faithfully fulfilling our requests and washing us in the precious blood of Jesus. This very special blood, of type God, that flowed from the very many cuts, bruises, slashes, slices, and wounds of the beatings and whippings, from the spikes driven in to his hands and feet, blood that poured and gushed in my Masters agony and passion, Oh, this very special and precious blood, we are bathed in.  We praise You, we worship You, we give You all Glory and Honor.

We rise this day, traditionally reserved for fellowship, asking for blessings over every gathering of the saints.  May the Holy Spirit’s presence find a welcoming, and may the anointing provide fresh rain, pouring into every crack and crevice, filling every fissure with the full measure of Jesus Christ. May the body this day be as a vacuum and the Holy Spirit, in a mighty rushing wind, be forced into Your people, refreshing and renewing the gifts and unction.

Empower the saints in their strategic spiritual weaponry, the prayers, the preaching, the prophesying, the teaching, the praise, the worship, the singing and the laying on of hands, that the glory of the kingdom of God may be made manifest.

Father, we desire Your special attention be focused on the disaster in Haiti. Cover the rescue workers, all providing service and assistance, in your heavenly providence.  Coordinate all efforts in efficacy and bring folks on one accord, that lives might be saved, healed and restored.

Father while all the human needs are being addressed, place Your chosen saints, those appointed for this time, in a position to purposely provide the Word of God unto salvation. May the name of Jesus ring out, and may this disaster in Haiti be the groundswell of a worldwide revival.

Father, please honor our prayers as we present them before Your sovereign throne of authority, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, amen.