Father, God, Holy, God,…,How Wonderful, How Glorious, How Awesome, How Majestic, How Marvelous, is Thy Name in All The Earth, In All The Universe.
Mighty God, Glory God, HALLELUJAH! Terrible and Swift is Thy Justice, Everlasting and Eternal are Thy Judgements.
We tremble before Thy presence as we bow to bring our sins before You, for forgiveness. LORD, have mercy. We plead the mercy of the blood of Jesus, and we thank You, Father, for the forgiveness, the redemption that was bought, suffered and sacrificed for on Calvary’s Cross. The precious blood that heals our sin sick spirit, Praise You LORD!
Father, We rise with righteousness renewed, holiness in our hearts, adorned in all the finery of Your Grace. Pure as the most refined silver or gold. Able to walk out Your will and way in a Mighty Joy and a Mighty Love, spread aboard from our hearts, as a shining beacon to all the world, that our Redeemer Lives!
Father we pray Your continued blessing on Haiti and every other place in the world where there is suffering, and the need for miraculous rescue and relief. Today we walk as more than conquerors to bring down every demonic stronghold and trample them under our feet.
We shall gather our spiritual and strategic weaponry from our holy heavenly arsenal as we equip ourselves, in prayer, preaching, praise, worship and fasting. As You are with us, nothing and no one can stand against us, although they may come, they shall be vanquished. We thank You and Praise You.
Father, we bring our prayers before Your throne of mercy, grace and authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.