Father God, Holy God, Wondrous, Miraculous, Fabulous, Glorious, Righteous, Provider, Sustainer, Oh, Thou are God there is no other. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, we praise You, we worship You, we magnify and glorify Your name.
In humility we approach You on bended knee, bowed before Your eternal Presence, pleading the forgiveness of our sin, and the attendant washing of the blood of Jesus. Father we thank You for the blood that poured from our Savior on Calvary’s cross, the blood that removes the crimson stain, of our transgressions, evil intentions, malicious thoughts, schemes and deeds.
We thank You Father, that we can ever look to Calvary and see the propitiation of our sin, the suffering sacrifice of our redemption. Oh, Hallelujah, we praise You!
Father, we rise as you wipe the tears from our eyes, reassuring us of our place in Your kingdom, able to press towards the mark of Your righteousness and truth, prepared and equipped unto every good work. Father, we stoop to pick up our much discarded and taken for granted tools, the prayer, the praise, the prophecy, the preaching, the laying on of hands, the very power of the gospel of the kingdom of God.
Father, we renew our commitment to fasting and prayer, to holiness and righteousness, to testimony and evangelism, to Bible study and fellowship. We rise also with a psalm, a hymn, a song, of worship and praise, ushering the presence, unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit in a most blessed and sweet communion.
This and every day we can look to the sky with ready anticipation of Your return, not fearful of Your terrible and swift judgement, but rather in earnest longing of the great Day of the Lord. Come, LORD, Jesus, Come!
Father we present our prayers before Your throne of mercy, grace and authority, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.