
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Creator, Supreme Sovereign Ruler, All Mighty, All Knowing, Ever Present. God of the Great & Mighty Love, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Redeemer, how Heavenly and Holy is Thy name. Father we exalt Your name on High, to You belongs all Power, Glory, Dominion, and Majesty.

Thus we bow, we kneel, we lay prostrate before You, in sincerest humility, remorse and repentance, we present our sins before You, asking prayerfully for Your forgiveness. Father, faithfully and graciously you extend Your forgiveness unto us, and we receive it in grateful, jubilant joy.

We give You praise for the extension of Your tender mercies unto us, by the washing of the blood, the cleansing power of it’s sacrifice, the miraculous imputation of Holiness and Righteousness. Oh Glory, Hosanna, Hallelujah!

Father, we rise this day, rapture and battle ready, washed in the love of the Blood of Jesus, armoured, empowered and equipped unto every good and gracious work, operating in the gifts of the spirit, many as Ascension gifts, bearing in our bodies, souls and hearts, the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Father, we recognize our citizenship is not of this world, our passports are marked “Property of the Kingdom of God” yet, we step into this world ready to give answer for the great hope and joy that exudes from within us.  Our breathe, our conversation, our very being is prayer, praise and worship, our actions are a testimony to the healing, delivering and saving power of Jesus Christ.

Father, we are living sacrifices, fit for every task, adventure, and duty You call us to.  We shall this day expand and extend Your Kingdom in the grace, peace, and love of our Lord and Savior. Yeshua!

Father, we thank You for hearing and receiving the prayers of the saints as we present them before Your throne of authority in glory, in the name of Jesus and by  the power of His blood, amen.