
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, unto Your Marvelous Presence we give Praise, the Ancient of Days, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel, Thou are the Great I AM. Father we bow, begging forgiveness of our sins, the transgressions of our heart, the missing of the mark.

Father, we give thanks for Your faithful forgiveness, Your amazing grace, so freely and forever given. Father, how we appreciate being bathed in the blood of the Lamb, the sacrifice of God blood flowing from Emanuel’s veins, the permanence of its stain removal untouchable, incomprehensible, to us even and all mankind unfathomable.  We thank You for Grace, so magnificent and yet so hard for us to grasp.

Father, may we the recipients of this grace, be able to imitate and duplicate it in our affairs in mankind. Father may we Your children be ever ready to dispense this grace and love in our very divine ability to forgive others of their trespasses against us.

Father, we rise, Your sons and daughters, carriers of the germ of the Holy Spirit, contagious in the spreading of The Love, the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Eternal, Everlasting Word of God.

Father, we thank You for the Heavenly Anointing, the Holy Spirit Unction, The Power to walk out Your Will and Your Way, to be the very Righteousness of God.  Father we are an instrument of change, a very revolution in this sin sick world, we carry the answer to every pain, sickness, malady, disease, discomfort, sorrow, oppression and bondage of the spirit and the soul.

Father, we are a very salty people, a distinct savor, the very preservation of life, abundant and eternal, and we live out our worship and praise in our daily service to You. Father bless our fellowships as times of refreshing, renewal, addition and edification.  May the Word be preached in the power of the blood, the function of the Kingdom of God, that yokes will be broken this day and sinners regenerated into a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, the very Saints of God. Oh, Father we pray the Lord of the Harvest, for laborers therein, for the rain and the watering and the mighty attendant increase. Father we thank You for expansion of Your Kingdom this day, Hallelujah!

Father, we thank You for honoring the prayers we present before Your throne of mercy, grace and authority, in the name of Yeshua, and by the potent power of His blood, amen.