
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, the Mighty God of Israel, Our Glory God, Our Mercy God, Our Everlasting to Everlasting God, Indescribable , Undefinable, Unfathomable beyond the stretch of our imagination in Goodness, Grace, and Mercy.

Father in utter humility we bow before You submitting our request of forgiveness of sins and transgressions, our duplicities, hypocrisies and deceits. Father as you bath and wash us in the blood, we worship and praise You in jubilation and joy, as we are overcome by the power of the blood to cleanse, heal and restore us in perfect and complete communion and righteousness.

Father, we are rocked in the bosom of Your nurturing Love, developed in Your wonderful care, trained in the admonition of Your compassion. We shall demonstrate the very forgiveness of which we have partaken of as examples of the love of God and of Jesus.

Father, bless us as we enter into the world this day, as pilgrims, travelers, and passerby’s, as this world is not our home, our citizenship and hearts are from above, as we carry passports from a heavenly domain. Father, we rise to walk out the power and love of our heavenly unction. We shall be an instrument to make disciples, creating by our good works, a desire in the hearts and minds of men everywhere, to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Father we thank you this day for the daily Provisions of Providence, the bounteous blessings of Your unending favor. May we prove in our service to You, our deepest and utmost gratitude of all You continually supply us with.

Father we thank You for all good things as we offer our prayers before Your throne of authority, in the mighty name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.