Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign Creator whom strung the stars and the planets throughout the galaxies, existing beyond our concepts of time, space and eternity, residing in realms our imagination cannot fathom, possessing power and energy we can’t comprehend, You God are even beyond the humble words with which we attempt to define Your attributes, as we call You Mighty, Marvelous, Magnificent, Miraculous, Wondrous, Awesome, Great, Grand, Good, and Glorious.
Father, You are limitless, boundless, undefinable, indescribable, how Majestic is Your presence? Father, You exceed any and all of our expectations, Father what are we, that You are ever mindful of us? Glory God, we thank You for having ever taken an account of us.
Father, we bow unto You, having examined the depths of our souls to uncover every vestige of our wills unyielded to You, every ounce of unfaithfulness, doubt, and every evil remnant of sin that may exist in the very bowels of our being. Father in sorrowful submission, remorseful repentance, we beg Your forgiveness of all our sins, transgressions, shortcomings and mark missing’s.
Father, we gladly receive from the storehouse of Your faithful heart the unlimited Grace, You so readily make available to us for the remission of our sins, and we joyfully attend to our daily bathing in the pool of the fountains of the Blood of Jesus, privileged children of the God Family, Blood Bought Saints, absolved from all sin and stain, scoured unto Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, Innocence and Perfection.
Father, throughout the Halls of the Heavenlies from earth to forever our Thanksgiving rises, our Joy is unspeakable, our Peace beyond understanding, for Your Love in us is a consuming Fire, sparks and embers in our Hearts, break into a raging, throughout all mankind, the Word of God, burning away the dross and impurities of the realms of the evil one and replacing them with the Living Stones of the Kingdom of God.
Father, the deposit of the Holy Spirit within us is ever breaking bonds, destroying yokes, loosing fetters and chains, bringing life into death, sight into blindness, strength into infirmities, salvation to the lost, healing to the sick, and deliverance to the oppressed, ultimately setting the captives free, and taking very captivity captive. Hallelujah!!!
Father, we celebrate Your Glory and Praise You for the very Sacred privilege of prayer and thank You for communing with us this day as we present our prayers before Your throne of Amazing Grace, Mercy and Peace, in the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua Messiah, the Holy One of Israel, and by the Sanctified, Glorified Most Powerful Blood of the Lamb of God Whom takes away the sins of the World, amen and amen.