
A Prayer of the Day

The Prayer of the Day Audio Version
Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD Creator, YAHWEH, All Mighty All Knowing, Everywhere Existent, Eternal, and Everlasting. Father, Thou are the One True & Living God, there is none other. We place all of our Trust, all of our Faith, all of our Hope, in You, knowing that all of Your great and precious promises are Yea, and not Nay! In You is a sweet resting place, and we thank You.

Father, we bring the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving in light of Your ever abundant daily provision of our needs. Father, Your Providence is our infinite supply of completeness, wholeness and perfect peace. We lack no good thing, everything is provided for our blessing, even our trials, tribulations, testings and afflictions are all unto our betterment. Thus in a heavenly wisdom we are joyously thankful for all things, knowing our light and momentary trials work for us an ever abundant eternal blessing.

We are even most thankful for the suffering and despair, the very pain that was beyond our ability to endure, the burden we could not continue to carry, that thing which was cause to seek Your face, repent and turn from our wicked ways and be saved, Hallelujah!

Father, with a penitent heart we bow before Your Amazing grace, asking for the complete forgiveness of all of our sins, transgressions, and faults, all of the places where our heart condition was not right, where our minds moved towards rebellion and exaltation of the self.

Father, Your eternal Faithfulness blesses us with forgiveness and absolution by the cleansing power of the blood. Father we are so grateful to wash and disinfect in the Blood of the Lamb, to be restored unto full righteousness, holiness, purity and innocence.

Father, the priceless blood, that costs so dearly yet flows unto us so freely, that blood that provides salvation, healing and deliverance, that blood that we sing and rejoice in its never ending power to set the captives free, that blood that made a saint out of a sinner like me, Oh the Blood, the Blood, the Blood. Father, this day may we fulfill the great commission, spreading the Word of God, and making disciplines by the power of the Blood, extending ourselves in the great commandments of LOVE, moving in the unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit, manifesting the Very Power of God unto Salvation, have mercy.

Father, bless all of our prayers as we present them before Your throne of Love, Grace and Peace, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus and by the potent power of His blood, amen.

The Prayer of the Day Audio Version