The Prayer of the Day Audio Version
Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD Creator, YAHWEH! Father, we might imagine Your hand and the awesome power it must contain, the power to move and change suns, planets and stars, and to move mountains and change the course of seas and rivers, and then we consider that to create the universe and to put it into motion, You didn’t lift a finger, nor did You raise Your hand, You just spoke, and from nothing the cosmos came into existence.
Father, now upon that revelation alone we may put into some perspective just a hint of how Great Thou Art! Father then we think upon Your Goodness and All You Have, Can And Will Do For Us! Our Souls get Happy our Hearts leap with Joy, and we recognize that whatever our momentary troubles, How Big The Circumstances may seem, You are Way above Them in Capability, For You are Able, and Yet Not Only ABLE but WILLING to intercede on our behalf and bring us through every storm, every dark night, every despair and sorrow, every bitterness and hurt, every pain and torment, and Father we thank You, we are appreciative, grateful and full of thanksgiving.
Father, Your Providence is our very Provision. Why Providence is a word made up just to describe your meeting our every need, and providing our every necessity. So we thank You and praise Your Holy Name.
Father, bless us in our submission and confession of all of our sins to You, begging Your Amazing Grace be applied to all of our transgressions, for we are in need of Your forgiveness and the cleansing of the washing of the Blood of Jesus. Father, it is a marvelous thing that the more we mature in You, the greater we are able to realize our own wretchedness, the more of You we find, the more of You we need, and You are glad that we keep coming to You, like a child learning to crawl, stand, walk, and run until we are able to, upon error and sin, to move speedily and immediately to the throne of Grace in repentance , forgiveness and absolution.
Father, we thank You for Your Faithfulness that fortifies our trust, hope, faith and love in You, for as You lead and guide us and as we learn to depend on You and not ourselves, our steps become sure and bold, and we grow and develop into great men and women of God, Saints mighty to do exploits, warriors willing and able to wield the sword of the Spirit, the Mighty Word of God, vanquishing the enemy with and in Love.
Father thusly we pray a blessing on all the fellowships of the Saints that the Bride of Christ might be exalted in preparation for the day of the Wedding, that the Word of God may be preached, sinners saved, Saints edified and You our Heavenly Father Glorified. Father, shut down every attack of the devil and his minions, repel every advance, turn every weapon formed and placed against us in on itself, that the communion of the Saints and the Holy Spirit be a sweet savor unto Your nostrils, the very smell of VICTORY!
Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints, the Family of God, and especially our prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of Mercy, Grace and Peace, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus and by the precious and potent power of His blood, amen.