
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator, YAHWEH! Father, once more and again we bow before You the true and holy God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Living God, The Holy One of Israel, The Ancient of Days.

Father, You are The Savior, the Redeemer, The Deliverer, The Healer, The Restorer, Your works are Divine, Your Presence Glorious, Your Being is incomprehensible, unfathomable, unimaginable, completely beyond the understanding of man, as infinite is beyond finite, incorruptible beyond corruptible, immutable beyond mutable. Thou are GOD, there is none other.

Father, as is our right, our privilege, our inheritance, we bring all of our sins, all of our missing of the marks of Holiness, all of our transgressions, every unclean and filthy thing, before you and shudder in remorse and repentance, beseeching Your gracious and faithful forgiveness, accepting it and the attendant washing and cleansing of the blood of Jesus.

Father, we arise from our bath of blood, blood sacrificed of Yourself, of Your Love and Mercy, Your Providential Provision of Peace and Grace, Your so Great Substitution and Propitiation, Father we are humbled, yet in joyous gratitude our jubilation resounds in praise and worship, for we are the redeemed of the Lord, unashamed to say so. We Praise You, we magnify Your Name, we Lift You Up in Glory, Hallelujah!

Father, You are our Banner, the Banner over us is LOVE, Hallelujah! You are LOVE, thus we are Love, as we attain to the fullness of You we become more and more like and of You, our very being giving, seeking out needs and filling them, finding hurts and healing them, interceding into all things, for LOVE is a quick, and active thing, and we strike like lightening, we move likened unto the Holy Spirit, a mighty rushing wind, we are the hurricanes of Love, the tornados of Mercy, the tidal waves of Charity, what a mighty expression of a Mighty God we are, and we thank You Father for so empowering us, so purposing us, so directing, guiding and willing us. Father we recognize, we acknowledge, we are the Children of God, we do what we do, we are whom and whose we are, we shall never apologize for being the righteousness of God. Hallelujah!

Father, continue to work Your mighty kingdom works in us, continue to empower, equip and prepare us unto all good works, Father continue to guide us in the paths of Righteousness for Your name’s sake. Father what a privilege to be used of God. Use us up Oh LORD, use us up! Father bless every gathering, meeting and assembly of Your Saints, bless every fellowship that is gathered in Your name, and may we commune in Your perfect peace.

Father, bless all the prayers of the saints this day, and most especially the prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, and by the potent power of His blood, amen.