Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator, YAHWEH!
Father we thank You for every second in the land of the living, knowing in our spirit full well that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Father we thank You for the tender mercies that flow to us through Your abundant and bountiful Providence. You bless us each and every day with more than enough and we are grateful and appreciative.
Father we bow before You in earnest repentance and remorse, begging Your forgiveness of all of our sins, and receiving from Your faithful forgiveness complete absolution and total cleansing from the very stench and stain of sin, through the washing of the blood of Jesus.
Father as we rise from our blood baths, imputed with the character of Holiness, resplendent in Righteousness, adorned in the garbs of Christian royalty, armored in God, shielded and secured, protected in peace, and lavished with love, we strive to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, to whomsoever is willing to receive it.
Father, we beg Your healing this day on all Your children, may the gifts of Salvation and eternal life abundantly flow throughout Your kingdom, may every soul with a need find it met. Father rain Holy Spirit anointing upon the body of Christ, bless us as in the days of the Apostles, may healing fall from just the passing of our shadows, may the prayers of the righteous continue to availeth much, may sickness and disease be conquered in the name of Jesus and may the Saints of God know Victory, in the natural as well as the spiritual realms.
Father, continue to bless us as more than conquerors in both Word and deed, empowering us with an unstoppable unction that will ever expand the kingdom of God by force. Father, may You, our portion instill in us a Holy Boldness, ready, willing and able to go into whatever frontier You send us, cutting fresh paths and making new ways into the hearts and minds of mankind as the gospel is preached in power by the works of service and the ministry of the Saints.
Father bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus and by the potent, power of His blood, amen.