Father, how many times do we come before You trembling, and You the Rock of Righteousness, Altogether Most Holy, steady us, wrap us in the security of You, Father, ELOHIM, Most Supreme and Sovereign, Ruler of All, Creator of All, Lover of All, Your Compassion is a Constant reliever of our worries, cares and concerns, for we have learned of You, and our Hope and Trust has grown ad infinitum, therefore we bring the sacrifice of Praise, we exalt You in Worship, our hearts sing Appreciation and Thanksgiving to our All Wise and Knowing Father, YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!
Father, it is a most blessed thing to be able to ascribe unto You, Honor, Glory and Power, to acknowledge Your Love, Mercy and Grace, to thank You for Truth, Holiness and Peace, to be ever learning of our Redemption, Deliverance and Salvation, Father all these rich, diverse and opulent spiritual blessings, all of this and more attached to the Birth form Above, Selah!
Father, then we look at all of the daily earthly and temporal blessings, for we in You lack no good thing, all of our needs are met, food, clothing and shelter we must never even worry about, for You have assigned Providence, and she provisions well to overflowing, generous to the sharing, and thus we have contentment, Joy, and Peace that passes, transcends all the worlds understanding, enabling us forever to ring out in praise, HALLELU YAH!
Father, we are learning to never under estimate the value of the gift of Grace that forever keeps on giving, that upon our repentance and forgiveness of others, we have full and total access to a Faithful and Forever Forgiving Father, one Whom makes a quick work of our complete absolution, washing, cleansing and perfecting us in the Blood of the Lamb, Selah!
Father, we ask and receive this Faithful Forgiveness, ever ready for the opportunity to wash in the pools that flow of the fountains of Emanuel’s veins, for the Blood never becomes redundant, it never loses it power, it never fails to wash and cleanse and purify, to make complete and whole, refreshing, restoring and renovating, energizing and empowering, enabling and equipping, Glory! The Blood, The Blood, The Blood, How Precious is its flow, Hallelu YAH!
Ahhh, Father, Thou are indeed a Mercy God, blessing us in the covering of the Anointing, each and every child of God sealed with the precious Holy Spirit, an abode and Temple of the Everlasting, the Kingdom of Heaven has a home in earthen vessels, and this is a cause for a Mighty Joy uprising, a constant and eternal, everlasting and forever celebration and exaltation of Him Whom is Holy and Righteous, Who Suffered, Bled and Died, descended into Hell and after Three Days Arose, Resurrected in Power and Glory, The Savior of All Mankind, Selah!
Father, bless our prayers of Praise, our prayers of Intercession, our prayers of Petition and our prayers of communion and meditation, bless them each and everyone that we might be in our right minds to fulfill Your Will and Your Way, this day, have mercy. Father, in faith we count Your Majestic Will done in all the Universe, by the Name above all Names, Yeshua Hamashiach, The Son of the Living God, Most Brilliant, True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen