
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, The Supreme Sovereign, LORD GOD, Creator! Father, Your Name is Wonderful, Glorious, Magnificent it is a very sweet savor to our lips, to speak to You warms the heart, we bow low in submission to You for we comprehend a bit of Your worthiness and that is Awesome, Magnanimous and Overwhelming. Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, count any measure of disrespect to our ignorance, for it is impossible to understand just how Great Thou Are! Before time You were, Before Space You were, before matter was matter, or mattered, You were, how can we comprehend so Great as You, the best we may do is by Faith, Praise You, Worship You, Magnify Your Holy Name, Selah!

Father, we offer our sincere Thanksgiving, for all the blessings of Your generous Providence which You bestow upon us daily, every need, You supply. We Thank You, for the bright sunshine, the dark rain clouds, the love of family, the fellowship of Saints, the Word of El, Your Guidance, Your Protection, our very Eternal and Everlasting Security in You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bring all our shortcomings, our transgressions, our very sins, we bring them all unto You, with our contrite hearts and repentant spirits, we beg Your forgiveness, we place them all at the foot of Cavalry’s Cross where very LOVE poured Himself out, that The Way be made for our Salvation, and we gladly partake, we joyfully acquire all the gifts of the Blood, all the gifts of Salvation, and Eternal Abundant Life, Selah!

Father, Anointed we rise, emerging into the world, armed with our present testimonies of Yeshua Hamashiach, The very Saving Grace of the Blood of the Lamb, living out our Faith, preaching the Good News of the Christ with the very fiber of our beings, completely and totally sold out, steadfast and immovable for the The Rock, The Rock of Ages is our fortitude, our sustenance and our Redeemer, Hallelu YAH!

Father, with every breath of our nostrils, we Rock the Gospel, with every beat of our heart, we dance the rhythm of the resurrection, the songs of salvation pour from us, as we mature and develop, being the very living, breathing Body of Christ, present in this sin sick world, tearing the devils kingdom down with the very spiritual weapons of our warfare, no defeat, Selah!

Father, bless every bit of prayer, praise and preaching of all of Your Saints, bless every gathering of our fellowships, every communion, congregation, meeting and assembly, where You are lifted up and glorified, bless all the hurt, bleeding and downtrodden that faith would lead to seek Your face, may Salvation rain like a mighty hurricane, Eternal life like a tornado, all this we pray in the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the True and Wonderful Son of the Living God, and by the potent power of His Holy and Most Precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen