
Prayer of the Day

Oh Great and Wonderful Father, Oh How Holy is Your Name, We exalt You above ALL, Our Praise, Our Worship, Our Thanksgiving, Resounds from Joyful and Thankful Hearts full of the Love of the Most High. Father, You most of all are Worthy to be Praised, Your Lordship is Sovereign and Supreme, You are our Creator, our Protector, our Savior, YAHWEH, ELOHIM, HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, how grateful we are to be filled with Your Divine Presence, The Holy Spirit seals us forever, we are blessed with all Heavenly gifts, Your Great Love washes over our beings, we are consumed in the heat of its fires, glowing in its warmth, eternally secure, every provision of a blessed Providence is ours and we dwell in the Household of Faith Forever, Selah!

Father, our spirits are blessed in the serene solitude of a Holy Peace, forever tranquil, calmed and at rest in a world full of turmoil, tribulations and troubles. Our spirits find rest in the arms of The Almighty God, we are rocked gently in the bosom of Abraham, no worries or anxieties can upset us, for we are the rightful heirs of everlasting life, abundance in all spiritual blessings is ours, Hallelu YAH!

Father, humbly we bow before Your Glory, requesting Your forgiveness of all our sins, every weakness of character, every flaw of our integrity, every dishonorable and unholy thought, every selfish and prideful desire, all in us unlike You, forgive us Lord, cleanse us as we forgive those whom have hurt and done injury to us, and restore us in our repentance, remove our remorse and regrets as we plead the precious Blood of the Sacrificial lamb, Selah!

Father, bless the Bride of Christ in the Beauty and Glory of Holiness, bless her preachers, all of those whom proclaim the Good News of Our Risen Savior. Bless us to carry the Word of God honorably in an excellent fashion in both Word and Deed that Yeshua might be lifted up in the eyes of all men, that You Father might receive the Glory, Hallelu YAH!

Father, may the Anointing flow forth in and from our fellowships as a mighty tidal wave of Love, destroying every work of darkness, bringing life and light to an evil world, binding up the broken hearted, giving spiritual sight to the blind, setting the captives free, restoring the hurt, healing the sick, breaking every bondage and addiction in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Selah!

Father, bless every utterance of the Family of God, bless our prayers of intercession, bless our fellowships and our ministries, every work of service unto the Kingdom of Heaven, Father, please bless us all, have mercy. Father, all of this we pray in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the True and Living God, and by the potent power of His most precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen