
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Mighty, Miraculous and Marvelous ELOHIM, Creator of All the Universe, Supreme and Sovereign, LORD and Savior. Most Righteous, Most High and Most Holy ADONAI! Our praise, Our Worship is offered in the Spirit of Thanksgiving, our gratefulness, our gratitude, our appreciation knows no limits, Thou are God, There is None Other, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in devotion and supplication we offer our lives as living sacrifices up to You, attempting to return unto You a portion of Your generosity that has been displayed manward throughout the generations, for we have found in You an ever constant blessing, meeting every need of our mundane lives on every level, Selah!

Father, we thank You for the Wisdom of Your Word, deposited within us, Your Holiness and Righteousness which has taken up residence in the hotels of our hearts, giving us the very Spirit of God as the source and nature of our new lives in Christ, Blessing us in the Beauty and Glory of Holiness, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in abject humility we beg Your Righteous judgment and forgiveness of the poverty of our souls, all our sins and transgressions, as we forgive those whom have acted against us. Father, remorsefully we repent of all these thoughts and deeds and joyously accept the blessings of Your faithful forgiveness, Selah!

Father, we the reborn of Your Heavens, in eager anticipation repair to the pools that flow from fountains rich in the red of The Blood which runs readily of the veins of Emanuel. Father, we take great pleasure in the cleansing and washing of the Blood of The Lamb, so thankful for the sacrifice of Our Suffering Savior, that we immerse ourselves in the Blood, savoring its warmth in our bodies, souls and spirits, reluctant to retire from its refreshing and restorative redemption, Hallelu YAH!

Father, daily we rise dripping in This Blood, to meet and greet the world with the power of the Gospel unto Salvation, conquering and claiming every bit of expansion of our boundaries and territories for the Kingdom of Heaven, making disciples and baptizing in the Name of the Blessed Trinity, Selah!

Father, may this prayer and all the prayers of the Saints, this day, prove to Your Holy Will being done in Heaven and Earth. Father, we count every Good thing done in the Name Above all Names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of The Living God, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen