
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, how sweet it is to be loved by You, allowed this precious Holy Communion, a sacred intimacy with Your Divine Presence, upfront and personal with the Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, for Thou are the jewel of great price, we are Awed, Amazed and Astonished, by You The Almighty! HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, our brokenness is just good reason to run to You for personal attention, You dry our every tear, mend our every wound, Your divine kiss restores our very well being, in You is such a sweet resting place, a Heavenly asylum, we are forever succored in the bosom of Abraham, rocked in the mighty arms of our Mighty God, secure in all comfort, blessed in bliss and serenity, Selah!

Father, tender is Your powerful hand upon us, we are stroked and provided for by Your generous Providence, we the children of God lack no good thing, have mercy, and as such our Thanksgiving is an eternal reaction to infinite Love, every container of our being is brimming over in Holy and Heavenly blessings, there is no counting of our wealth and prosperity, we are Blessed, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in the solitude of our spirits, we solicit Your Mercy and Grace, beseeching Your Forgiveness of all of our sins and transgressions, having attempted in remorse and repentance to make an inventory of our ungodly thoughts, deeds and acts of commission and omission, all that were apart from Your standard of Holiness, and as required forgiving any and all that have perpetrated against us, Selah!

Father, we thank You for Your release unto us of complete absolution, and run rapidly to enjoy the blessings of swimming and bathing in the pools that flow of the rich Red Blood, the wine of Emanuel’s veins, able to emerge soaking and dripping in the holy and heavenly Anointing, our hearts and spirits fired with the power of the Holy Spirit, Hallelu YAH!

Father, there is no silver or gold, diamonds or pearls or any items of value that might come close to what we have in partaking of the Holy Unction. Precious gems and jewels are mere building and construction materials in the Kingdom of Heaven; more better is the privilege of serving You and Your kingdom in the spreading of the Gospel message that sets men free and saves their souls, Selah!

Father, bless every action and endeavor of the Saints this day, our prayers, our praise, our preaching and teaching, our meditations and our intercessions, our charities and our evangelism’s, every Word or deed that lifts up Christ. Father, all of this we pray in the name above all names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, Our Soon and Coming King, Hallelu YAH! Amen