
Prayer of the Day

Father, Oh Father, Mighty God, Mighty God, Invincible, Glorious and Almighty, Most Righteous and Holy, Love of All Love, Grace of All Grace, Full of Compassion and Mercy, We Salute You Most Excellent ELOHIM, The Creator of All The Universe, all that is Good comes from You, You are the Pinnacle of Truth, The Ultimate Destination of all of our Searching, Divine YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, we are forever warmed in Your Presence, Overjoyed in gladness our souls speak Praise, our spirit is moved to Worship, The Glory of Your Countenance draws our affections, we learn to Love in imitation of Your generous and willingness to sacrifice and suffer, to die for another, and as only You might do, to die for all, Our Savior, Our Lord, Selah!

Father, we are humbled by the sheer magnitude of Your constant and daily provisions, a Providence without end, every place set, every need met, blessings without regret, we try ever so feebly to thank You, to show our gratitude and appreciation yet we can’t beat, nor for that matter match Your giving, may we learn the lessons of a cheerful and hilarious giver, Hallelu YAH!

Father, as is our spiritual duty and responsibility we bring all of our sins and transgressions unto You, having exercised our own forgiveness of others, and beseeching Your Gracious Mercy, in view of Your Most Excellent Holiness and Righteousness, The Most True of Judges, to absolve us of every bit of our wrong doing, our disobedience and lack of wisdom and knowledge, our ignorance in the Ways of Your Perfect Purpose, Selah!

Father, Your Forgiveness is so Faithful, and with it we cling to that old rugged Cross and wash ourselves in the Blood that was poured out upon it, swimming deeply in the rich red Blood, the wine of communion, that cleanses and sets free from the penalties of sin, that conquers all things including very Death, thus we spend time submerging and immersing ourselves in the Blood, enjoying the Anointing, the Unction, the very favor, grace and mercy of God unto Eternity, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we thank You that You give us of Your so Great Love, that we are endowed by our Creator with Love to share, Love to spread amongst all mankind, leading men out of darkness and despair and into Your marvelous Light, Seeking and Saving the Lost, preaching The Word of God, the Gospel which is the very power of God unto Salvation, Selah!

Father, when it is all said and done may we find ultimately a sweet and eternal resting place in You, thus we ask you to presently, this day, bless all of our prayers, and most especially our prayers of intercession, as we count Your will done in the Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of The True and The Living God, Have Mercy, Hallelu YAH! Amen