
Prayer of the Day

Father, Oh Father, we lift Your Most Holy Name on High, wrapped in the glow of Your Love, Your Divine Presence encompasses us, we are secure in the Majesty of the Most High. Father, You are The Supreme Sovereign Lord, Most Excellent ELOHIM, Exalted above the Heavens, the Creator of all, Your Mighty Mercy and Constant Compassion cover us in the Glow of Your Grandeur, Your Glory, and we the children of the LORD express our Thanksgiving to You, Almighty YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, Your Love has reached down from Heaven and broken every chain of bondage, You have indeed set the captives free, we have received of You a most definite Liberty, and we partake daily of all the privileges of the Freeman in Christ, The Royal Priesthood, the Fellowship of Believers, the very Righteousness of God, we The Everlasting Saints, Selah!

Father, Your Peace flows like a mighty river amongst us, we are blessed in Providence, our daily needs are constantly met and exceeded by Your most benevolent and generous mercies, for You have deposited the Wealth of forever in us by the residence of the Holy Spirit, may we always give reign and rein to Him, dying with Christ and living to Him, grasping at and attaining to the fullness of His stature, the Holy and Heavenly, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we beseech You the Forgiveness of all of our sins, every thing in which we have proved unholy and unrighteous, every transgression of Your Will and Way, every time we have given room to the flesh in thought, word and deed, forgive us Oh Lord, as we have forgiven those whom have come against us, mindful that sin is disobedience, even very war against God, so sorrowfully we beg, in dire regret and repentance and thus gratefully accept Your complete absolution of our sins, Selah!

Father, how blessed is it that we can retire to the pools, that flow from the fountains, of the rivers, of The Blood of the Lamb, the very veins of God, and submerge ourselves once again deeply in the rich red robust and fragrant wine of The Communion, washing and being cleansed, body, soul and spirit, purified, innocent, and chaste, perfect before You the most Holy, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we soar in the Beauty and Glory of Holiness, spreading our wings in the flight of fellowship, climbing the heights of service and ministry, reconciling the whole wide world unto You, preceding into the harvest and bringing in the sheaves of salvation, rejoicing in the songs of Zion, seeing the lost, found, sinners saved, the hurt and bleeding healed, the bound set free, the blind to see, the lame to walk and the sinner relieved of the penalty of sin, life not death, Selah!

So Mighty and Righteous Father, please bless all the prayers, preaching, and praise of the Saints today, bless all of our gatherings and meetings, every communion and fellowship that Christ might be lifted up, and You Father, Glorified, have mercy. Father, all this we pray in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The Son of the Living God, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen