
Prayer of the Day

Father, Dearest and Most Holy ELOHIM, For from Forever to Forever this blessed relationship, this Most Holy Communion in Your Divine Presence, what a tender expression of Your Mighty Love it is, as we dwell in the House of the Most High, Share in the Daily Existence, awaken to breakfast with our Master, Savoring every Second of our Supreme Sovereign Lord God Creator’s Companionship, Seated in the Heavenly Places with our Lord, our God, our Father, YAHWEH, Almighty ADONAI! Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoOh Father, the Spirit of Thanksgiving in our Hearts runs so very red hot, that it is a blue cool, for we are warmed by the comfort and security of being wrapped in the arms of Your Love, when as babes in Christ we were spoon fed the holy spiritual milk and puree of The Word of God, and we have grown on this diet and now eat from the nutrient rich provisions of the deeper things, practiced and competent in the warfare of the Spirit, indeed more than conquerors by Him whom Loves us, Selah!

Father, please know that we are ever grateful as our appreciation of Your so great love knows no bounds, we search hard for the words of Thanksgiving that might completely embody our Praise and Worship of You, our admiration of You, our reverence, for we are more than astounded at Your Majestic Magnificence, in Awe of the very incomprehensible mass of Your Being, for not even the universe might contain the Ever Excellencies of ELOHIM, for Whom we bring a shout of Praise, HALLELU YAH!

Father, From Heaven You continually reach down unto us and intercede into our mundane daily affairs, thus in the intimacy of our personal relationships with You, we bring You all of our sins, our transgressions, our faults and shortcomings, knowing that unlike our worldly friends You will keep our secrets in the utmost confidence, and thus we spill our hearts unto You, finding healing in our confessions, Selah!

Father, You require of us Your children obedience and we give it, forgiving all as You continually forgive us, every time we ask, guiding us into repentance and contrition, conditioning us to be points of love, mercy and grace to a sin sick and hurting humanity, deceived by the usurper, lost in sin and shame, blind to the ways of Truth, clutching hard to death and damnation, thus we go forth with the Gospel of Salvation and Deliverance, making known the wealth of Your ways to those in the poverty of the Spirit, and leading them into the Kingdom of Heaven, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in our hearts the Trumpet sounds and we unfurl the Blood Stained Banner, unsheathing the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, we strike forth against the dominions of darkness, parrying in defense, yet thrusting forward, cutting deeply, dividing between the souls and the spirits, The Holy Spirit bringing Conviction and our forces achieving Victory with every sinner that repents and confesses “Jesus is Lord” and thus they are saved by Grace, and received into the eternal sanctuary, Selah!

Father, bless us this day as we are on the Battlefields for our LORD, preaching, praying and praising perpetually in power, as the Holy Spirit moves and uses us, lifting up Yeshua, all unto the Glory of God. Father, all this we pray in the mighty, matchless and majestic Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of All Glory, The First and The Last, The Mighty and Most Holy One of Israel, Hallelu YAH! Amen