
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Excellent, Righteous and Holy ELOHIM, Creator of the Universe and all, Divine and Exalted Above the Highest Heavens, Your Abode is the place of Perfection and Peace, where we learn Compassion, Mercy and Grace, for Your very qualities of Character, Integrity and Truth are imputed into us that we may dwell in This Holy Communion and partake of Your Divine Presence, thus finding that sweet resting place with You and being at Home, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, how thankful we are to be both the objects of and vessels which carry Your so Great Love. How humbled we are to daily be blessed, to find ourselves never in need, knowing not lack, able to share, our portions are more than ample and we are continually supplied by the blessings of Providence, never deserving nor earning that which You choose to lavish upon us, Selah!

Father, always as we take stock of all that You have done, will do and are doing in our lives, we are in awe, yes we are astounded by the continuing of the marvelous miracles that flow from Your Presence, we are an ever present witness and testimony to Your great and grand Goodness, how easy it is for us to sing Your Praises, for our hearts are ever lifted in Worship, grateful to be of the Household of Faith, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in view of Your Loving Kindness, Your Great and Tender Mercies, we humbly in remorse and repentance, yet with confidence and Faith in You, after careful examination of ourselves, and having forgiven all others, do bring before You, all of our acts of weakness, every straying thought or malicious deed, all our shortcomings, mark missing and sin, every transgression of Your Righteousness and do so beg Your forgiveness, Selah!

Father, it is with Joy and Rejoicing that we accept and receive Your Faithful Forgiveness and proceed in the partaking of the washing and cleansing of the Blood of the Lamb, a Daily Ritual which is a significant part of our Living in The Holy Spirit, thus we dive deeply into the pools flowing richly red and robustly righteous with the Bloody Wine of the Holy Communion, emerging soaked and drenched, dripping wet in the Anointing and Holy Unction, ready to meet the Beauty and Glory of another Day in Christ Jesus, Hallelu YAH!

Father, richly bless us this Day in every Good thing, extending our circumstances, territories and responsibilities, that we might be a blessing to all and a hurt to none, keeping us safely covered under the canopies of Heaven, in Your protection, as we travel along this King’s Highway, in yoke and step with You, a miracle all by itself, Selah!

Father, bless our prayers, our preaching, our praise and our worship, bless every communion, fellowship and gathering where Your Name is Honored, that You might be lifted Up and draw all men unto You, and so imparting all the blessings of Salvation and Everlasting Life, by Faith, in the Name Above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, we pray, Hallelu YAH! Amen