
Prayer of the Day

Almighty Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Creator of the Heavens, earth and the entire universe, Thou are Supreme, Sovereign, LORD GOD OF ALL! Father, we bring the sacrifice of praise and worship into Your Holy Presence, our prayers are the privilege of Holy Communion, the sealing of the Holy Spirit, the mark of our royalty in priesthood, we are the children of God, blessed to be so, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we lift You up in the exaltation of our tongues, our spirits take flight as Your Divine Presence takes us soaring through the Heavens, we are blessed and provided for in all things, the spiritual as well as the natural, for our inheritance is the legacy of Love, daily and forever poured out in Providence. How sweet the savor of our Savior, for all and everything, we are ever Thankful, have mercy, Selah!

Father, Your Majesty, Your Might, it makes us tremble sometimes in Your Presence, Your Glory is so overwhelming, divine and august, how amazing to have a place in Your royal court, to be assigned a throne amongst the Household of Faith, The Royal Family of God, have mercy and Hallelu YAH!

Father we submit all to You, we surrender our beings, ourselves, we die to and defer all unto You, as we repent of all unrighteousness and sin, begging the blessings of forgiveness and absolution, and receiving such gift, by Your Love, Mercy and Grace, made possible by THE CROSS, the suffering and the sacrifice of our Savior in all sorrow, Selah!

Father, even as we walk in the natural, our spirits take wing, rising in the power of the Anointing, spreading the Holy Unction of LOVE everywhere, divinely appointed for times such as these, for we are Your chosen generation, to face this end times emergence of evil, to square up with it, face it down, even unto seeming defeat, never wavering in the faith holding on to the promises of eventual and everlasting Victory! Hallelu YAH!

Father, blessed are we to carry and see The MIGHTY WORD OF GOD taken unto the ends of the earth, making disciples of all of the elect, presenting the Good News of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, that the Kingdom of Heaven may be realized in us until the final work of the Church is done. Father, continue to bless us to be blessings, unto the Great Gathering Up Day, Selah!

Father, bless all the prayers, preaching, prophesying, praise and worship of the Saints, placing special anointing upon our prayers of intercession as we present ourselves faultless before Your throne in Glory, unto You the True and All Wise, have mercy. Father, we count all Good Things done in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, and by the most potent power of His precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen