Almighty Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, deserving of all Honor, Glory and Praise, worthy to be Worshiped, Exalted Above All, Awesome and Amazing ADONAI, Thou Are God, The Supreme, The Sovereign, The Everlasting Creator! GLORY HALLELU YAH!
Father in an overflow of Thanksgiving, we lift our hands on high, grateful for every blessing and gift You constantly and continually bestow upon us, the wealth and riches of Your Heavenly Providence is never exhausted, we are ever supplied, Selah!
Father, we are nourished by the rich wisdom of the Word of God, what a resource, what a blessing, The Truth, guiding us, keeping us, sustaining, maintaining and protecting us, Father, give us words sufficient for Thanksgiving, give us a praise that is worthy, a worship that is acceptable, Glory unto Your Wonderful and Holy Name, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in view of Your So Great Grace, Your so Magnificent Mercy, Your Faithful Forgiveness, in Godly sorrow we come before You repenting of all of our transgressions and sins, pleading the Blood of Jesus and begging Your forgiveness and absolution, Selah!
Oh, Father, Have Mercy, we are overjoyed to enter into the Holy Communion, to be washed in the Blood of the Lamb, to drink it fully, to swim in it, to partake of its many levels of purification, sanctification, and holiness. Father, we are inundated in the Blood, dripping and soaking wet with the Anointing, enjoying the powerful flow of the unction of The Holy Spirit, Empowered unto every Good, Gracious and Godly Work, Hallelu YAH! .
Father, bless us in the sharing of Your many sorrows and sufferings, that we might also partake of Your many exaltation’s. Teach us in the school of Your Love, perfect us in sacrifice and obedience, that we might do honor unto Your Holy Name as we spread the Good News of Salvation, Deliverance and Healing, may we be loyal, faithful and steadfast, even unto the very end of the age, Selah!
Father, bless this and all of the prayers of the Saints, and most especially our prayers of intercession, as we carry the seed and germ of The Gospel in Your Power and might, destroying all the works of evil and building up Your Kingdom until You come. Father, all this we pray in Your Mighty and Matchless Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Mighty God of Israel, The True, Faithful and Just, Hallelu YAH! Amen