
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, CREATOR, what a mighty friend we have in You, a sweet resting place, for when we are besieged on every side with troubles, when family, friends and loved ones have forsaken us, when our associates of the world are departed, You have claimed You will never leave us, nor forsake us, and You are not a man that You should lie, Thus here You are, as the Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has made Your presence possible forever in our very hearts, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, You are The One Who is the True and Living God! Father, we thank You for Your hallowed presence in the Most Holy of Holies of our Heart for we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, we are Your Holy House of Prayer, the very Righteousness of God and we bow before You in worship and praise, Selah!

Father, we bring all of our sins and transgressions unto You in remorseful repentance, requesting Your very forgiveness, and thanking You for Your faithfulness to forgive and apply the Blood of Jesus upon us in cleansing and absolution. Father, we rise in heavenly consecration, verily dedicated and devoted to You, willing vessels, empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to fulfill Your will and to walk in The Way. Almighty God, we lift Holy hands to heaven, in joyous thanksgiving and jubilation, for of our praise there is no end, for the object of our praise is most worthy and worshipful, Hallelu YAH!

Father, from the words of our mouths to the works of our hands, our deeds, our lives become prayer, praise and worship, we are a continuation of the expressions of heaven, we are the presence of our King in the midst of the world, the distinction of our saltiness is undoubted, we are unique in the blessings that flow from the glory of the Most High, ministers of fire, the flames of the Love of our God, Selah!

Father, we Your children are Your Glory, Your Love, Your Joy, the very peacemakers of righteousness, the brightness of the shining of Shekinah Glory as the Son of Righteousness Rises in us, we become the very beauty and glory of the day, What a King, What a Mighty God, Amazing Grace spreads like wildfire, lifting up the downtrodden, causing the dead to rise, the blind to see, the lame to walk, the weak become strong, the poor become rich, the last, First, from just our praise is the world turned upside down. Glory Hallelu YAH!

Father, may the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to pour out amongst all mankind, may Your saints continue to man the spiritual emergency rooms, may the damaged, wounded, and broken continue to find the Balm of Gilead, the soothing salve of restoration, healing and salvation. Father, may the compassion of the Paraclete, the Comfort of Your Sweet Spirit cover the world through the unction and anointing so deposited in the Saints of God, Selah!

Father, bless the body of Christ, Your Saints and all of our prayers as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the mighty power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen