
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the holy One of Israel, Thou are the only True and All Wise GOD! Father, from before the beginning until after the end You are God beyond All Time, Space and Dimension, You are Above All Things, Through All Things and By You did All things come into existence, for out of the vast nothing You spoke and created something, and all that You created was and is Good, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, You Jesus, the Blessed Holy Spirit are One and Are GOD, we speak this that we might acknowledge You in Your vast incomprehensible being, and we gratefully cherish that part of Yourself You have chosen to reveal to us, at least understanding that in Your wisdom You know just how much knowledge we can handle, Selah!

Father, we thank You that in Your Providence You provide and provision us according to our need, abilities and capacities, adjusting the supplies as Your wisdom, knowledge and foresight see fit. Father, Your so great oversight is a multitudinous blessing and again we say Thank You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, by the Grace of Your Tender Mercies we are not consumed, thus we bow as slaves before a Great and Powerful Master, bearing the burdens of all of our sins, and in sorrowful repentance we remorsefully set before You the many diverse transgressions and expressions of wilfulness, begging the extension of Your Amazing Grace towards us one more time, acknowledging the granting of Your faithful forgiveness with the attendant washing and cleansing of the Blood of Jesus, which Father we gladly accede to the blood bath, as a child to a swimming pool, coveting the dipping, dunking, immersion into the precious power laden Blood, the Blood that runs from the veins of Emanuel, the Blood that destroys yokes, saves souls, sets captives free, delivers the sin sick, gives sight to the blind, makes the lame to walk and provides all manner of protection, salvation, deliverance and healing, and which at the mere mention of, puts a Saint into the remembrance of so great salvation and deliverance that we must worship, we must praise, we must glorify Your Name on the earth, through the heavens and throughout eternity. Oh, The Blood, Father we Thank You for the Blood, Selah!

Father, we pray a Holy Spirit anointing wherever Your name is glorified this day, that where ever two or three or more are gathered in Your name, where ever the Body of Christ, the True and Pure Bride prepares herself, may the Word of God be preached with signs following, may the Saints be equipped and prepared to do the works and service of ministry, may the Ascension gifts find humility and humble themselves to the task of mentorship, instruction, preparation, education, and edification that results in discipleship, may the oversight find the vision of direction as opposed to walking in vain rulership, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we lift up the Saints this day that in so doing You may be glorified by their ministry and ultimately Jesus Christ would be lifted up. Father, we ask that those professing Christianity be born again, that those born again be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that the whole Body of Christ be brought unto the full stature of unity in Christ Jesus. Father, we pray the very mind of Christ across the True Church, Selah!

Father, bless all the prayers of Your Saints this day, as we present them before Your throne of Mercy, Grace and Peace, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus the Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His Most Holy and Precious Shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen and Amen!