Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God Creator! Father, You are the God of All Time, Before Time and After Time, the Beginning and the End, The First and The Last, The Alpha and Omega and every thing in between. By You were all things Created, and by Your ordination all things occur, Hallelu YAH!
Father, many religious organizations and institutions are calling themselves the Church, yet they are not called out of anything, they have religion and sound like the latest and greatest positive mental attitude and success seminars but the Gospel of the Cross, The Good News that we have everlasting life in Jesus Christ, that in this life we will have tribulations, yet as You did, we will overcome the world, all of this is mostly missing. Yes Father, we have a remnant of the Faithful whom preach the pure unadulterated Gospel and we know Your Bride is alive and well, preparing herself for the Wedding Day, The Lord’s Day, Selah!
Father, help us get our minds around these end times, these last days and time, for the apostasy is great, and the increase in false apostles and prophets becomes greater and greater every waking minute, whereby in the name of Jesus, greed, selfishness, pride, materialism, worldly success, covetousness, egotism and arrogance are being preached as anointing and that the gathering together and accumulation of stuff is the sign of the blessings of God, Hallelu YAH!
Prophecy, healing and deliverance along with very ministry are being prostituted and merchandised, while prosperity is being pimped and preached in the place of Salvation. Clergy over laity is the flagship of a feudal system of lords, an evil elitism, clothed in the trappings of Babylon and Romanism, and disguised Sun God worship, with concern we meditate, Selah!
Father, in light of all of this evil, we bow before You in humble submission, begging the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Father we receive the faithful forgiveness and complete absolution and hurriedly move unto the washing and cleansing of the Blood of Jesus. So Father, we rise cleansed and pure, ready to approach this sin sick world and fight the good fight of faith, presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, acknowledging You our Soon and Coming King. Father we know You will set all of these things right when You come, yet the time must be short for the increase of evil is so great, thus we pray Your intervention, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in the mantle of our humanity we are grieved, how much more so You and the Holy Spirit, how long will you suffer our shortcomings, yet we are ever so thankful that You are a Mercy God, staying Your righteous judgement until the latest possible time, thus Father, we praise You, we bring You worship, honor and glory, Selah!
Father, keep us in Your perfect peace this day, honor all the prayers of Your saints, and especially our prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, and bring Your love down upon us and all around us, empowering us to endure unto eternity, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, we count all of these things done, in the very will of the Almighty, Hallelu YAH! Amen