Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, How Great Thou Are! Hallelu YAH!
Father, if You were not mindful of us You would crush us as ants, inconsequentially, in contrast, we are not even as sizable as a micro biotic germ in Your presence, yet You have compassion on us, Your concern is great love towards us. You are Gigantic, Greater than the entire universe, yet You are most Gentle, Loving and Kind, Merciful and Gracious, and we humbly offer our reverential adoration, praise and worship unto You, Selah!
Father, as we suffer the pains and sorrows of this world, You empower, equip and provide for our every daily need. Father You inspire us with Hope, You shield us in Faith, You gird us up in Truth, You discipline us and give us a sound mind in Salvation, You protect us from the evil one in Righteousness, Your banner over us is Love, and we are able to stand in and for the Gospel of Peace, Oh Hallelu YAH!
Father, we thank You for the Word of God, which suffered, bled and died, and on the third day rose again, forever vanquishing the kingdom of darkness. Father, we thank You for the many blessings of Everlasting and Abundant Life, grateful that this world is not our home, that we are the heirs of so great a Salvation, Selah!
Father, bless us this day with the complete absolution of all of our sins, as we come before You repentant and remorseful. Father, we thank You for the daily blood bath, the cleansing from the stench of the world, as You apply the ointment of the atonement of the Blood, by virtue of Your faithful forgiveness and Grace. Father, in sincerest humility we are overcome by the joys of salvation, the blessings of Your so amazing grace, the product of Your so great Love, Hallelu YAH!
Father, may we know You, intimately, the depths of Your great compassion, mercy and love. Father, may we continue to experience You, to learn of You, to have Your wisdom continually imparted to us, as we are willing vessels, yielded and teachable, sitting at the feet of the Master. Bless us this day in Your perfect peace, Selah!
Father, may we be blessed in Your sacred rest, may You be attentive to all the prayers of the Saints and most especially our prayers of intercession, as we present them faultless before Your throne, eternal in the Heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen