Most Wonderful YAHWEH, God, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, The Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, first and foremost we thank You for everything, every blessing of Your most gracious Providence which constantly and daily supplies our every need according to Your opulent riches in Glory, Hallelu YAH!
Father, help us Your wayward children to repent, to recognize our need of Your absolution and forgiveness. Help us Father, to stand before You naked of our worldliness, our exalted sense of our selves, indeed help us to constantly crucify the flesh that we might be partakers of Your complete Holiness and Your so perfect peace, Selah!
Father, we beg Your complete forgiveness of all of our sins, everything in which we may have missed the mark, the things we were willful in and the things we were ignorant in, take it all into account and bless us with Your faithful forgiveness as we come before You in Jesus name. Father, we thank You for Your blessings of Grace, we thank You for the washing and cleansing of the Blood, Father we Thank You, Hallelu YAH!
Father, ever has a generation been so blessed and cursed simultaneously, for we have the Revelation of Your Word in many and multitudinous forms, we can go to digital versions, we can use internet access, video, audio, tv, radio, ad infinitum, and we still have the resources of the local fellowships, on the one hand great blessings the ancients would have anxiously desired, yet on the other, we are witness to an increase of wickedness, perversion, violence and rampant wantonness, Selah!
Father, we are distracted on every side, few read the Word of God, devote themselves to prayer, praise or worship on a daily basis, many referred to as Saints are weak in the Word, ambivalent in their walk, lacking in their understandings of the most fundamental of Your doctrines, choking on even the milk of Your pure Word. Our focus has been on the worldly, carnal and the material, exalting ourselves with titles, lording the ministries, services and works over those whom we should be discipling, we repent and give you the praise, Hallelu YAH!
Father, there is a great cloud over the people, over the nations, and it seems as though only a remnant are aware, and we do understand that it shall get worse before Shiloh comes. Father, prick our hearts, turn our heads, touch us with Your heart of love, and if need be deliver us from these great deceptions. Father, dispel religion that the pure of heart may reach to relationship and practice Your presence, Selah!
Father, bless the body, The Bride of Christ, as she struggles to rise to You, to seek Your face, to present herself to You, pure, chaste and Holy. Father, bless us as we get ready and prepare for the great day that You crack the sky, may our labors in the vineyard be not in vain, that the harvest of Your fields be abundant in Salvation, Healing and Deliverance. All this we pray in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the Living God, and by the power of His Most Holy and Precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen