
Prayer of the Day

Most Wonderful Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Most Pure and True, You are the Supreme, The Sovereign, The LORD GOD Creator of All! Father, Thanksgiving pours from our Spirits, first and foremost because primarily we are Yours, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, we are most wonderfully and gloriously made in Your image and likeness, body, soul and spirit. Father, we rise shining in all Your glory, bright as the morning sun, full of the Mighty Love of Yeshua, graced by the presence of the Holy Spirit within, Ahh! Selah!

Father, there is no limit to our praise or worship, it is limitless for it flows from an infinite and almighty river of blessing, an endless source, the holy and righteous source, very life itself, abundant and overflowing, for You are our source of all things, our very Providence, and we Thank You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bow in sincerest humility and regret over everything in which we have fallen short of Your mark of excellence, holiness and righteousness, in all things in which even our thoughts have fallen short, every misdeed whether done or the righteous deeds left undone, all of this we repent of and request Your faithful forgiveness. Selah!

Father, in extreme Joy and Jubilation we gladly accept the complete absolution of all our sins, recognizing and acknowledging the price paid by the very sacrifice of Yeshua, our blood bought redemption which allows us to be washed, cleansed and forever forgiven, Hallelu YAH!

Almighty Father, we rise, in the power of the Holy Spirit, unafraid, empowered, equipped to tear the devil’s kingdom down, to preach and reach every lost and hurting soul, to feed the hungry, clothe and shelter the poor, heal the sick, and provide for every need with the grand provision of Your riches in glory. Selah!

Father, blessed eternally we Thank You, forever and always, for everything, and pray blessings upon all the Saints, the very household of Faith, that we might be a blessing to You, asking all things in Your Will, faithfully alive in You, in Your Holy and Righteous Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Most True and Wonderful Son of The Living God, and in the Potent and Most Precious shed Blood, The Blood, The Blood, The Blood of Jesus, Hallelu YAH! Amen