Father, we Praise You, We lift up our hearts rejoicing in Your Holiness, Your Righteousness is Endless, Your Glory outshines the daylight brilliance of all the Stars, of Your Justice we may only be Awed, for Your Integrity is Most Excellent and Perfect, Thou are ELOHIM, ALMIGHTY AND GOOD, May we continue in this Privilege of Prayer and Holy Communion our Dear and Grand, Great and Gracious YAHWEH, HALLELU YAH!
Father, from no bit of pretentiousness do we ascribe Honor, Glory and Power unto You, for in all sincerity and Thanksgiving, if it were not for You, where would we be? Father, from the Highest of Glory, Your Majesty far above the Mortal Realm, You Sit enthroned and yet You are mindful of us, and intercede and reach down to intervene into the affairs of our daily lives ensuring us the provisions of Providence that our needs are met to overflowing, Selah!
Father, we of all creation are most blessed, thus our praise must be beyond the natural, ever rising in the most spiritual, the supernatural, for it is there You meet us and commune with us, Spirit unto Spirit, Glory, for it is in the perfect place, the Most Holy of Holies, the Sanctum Sanctorum, the very Heart of man, where dwelleth the Holy Spirit, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in this place, where our hearts are bare, we humbly repent of all of our sins, rejecting in regret every thought, work and deed of iniquity and self will, casting down the trash of our flesh and putting on the adornment and the attire of the Spirit, clinging to those things which endear us to our sacrificing, suffering Savior, Selah!
Father, we rise in the perfection of Forgiveness, refreshed and renewed, washed and cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb, dripping in the rich red wine of Communion, Anointed in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, empowered and carrying the Word of God, the Gospel of Salvation, tearing the devils kingdom down, and lifting Up Yeshua, The Christ, that all men might be drawn unto Him and saved and set free, Hallelu YAH!
Father, bless the Fellowship of the Saints, Your most Beloved, with Love, Mercy and Grace, so overflowing that we can’t help ourselves but to share, for we are blessed with tens of thousands of blessings, blessings ad infinitum, may we be loving and lovely enough to share this Blessed Rose of Sharon, this Lily of the Valley, this Jesus, this, the very fragrance of Life, Liberty and Love, Selah!
Father, bless us this day, our prayers, our preaching, our evangelism, our charities, all the works of our hearts love, in the mighty and magnificent name above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The Beginning and The End, Whom is from Everlasting to Everlasting Our Mighty God, Lord Have Mercy, Hallelu YAH! Amen