
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Our Most Holy and Righteous Father, Most Exalted and Excellent ELOHIM, Creator of all we know and all we don’t know, the former quite small, the latter humongous, we have this blessed and sacred privilege of audience with You, able to hear and speak with our hearts in this Divine Dialogue, able to partake of this most Holy Communion, Father we cherish these moments and are ever so grateful and Thankful, Hallelu YAH!

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Thank You Father, for all the wealth and riches of the Saints, we have the Silver of Salvation, the pure Gold of Redemption and the Platinum of Prayer, with The Word of God providing precious diamonds, rubies and pearls of Your Truth and Holy Wisdom, we feast with an appetite of blessedness, a spread so rich, royal and regal, and thus every morsel of divinity is greatly cherished, as we exercise all the privileges of The Righteous in the Beauty and Glory of Holiness, Selah!

Father, we proclaim Your Majesty above all the earth, our spirits sing, shout and dance a song of Glory, of Praise, of Worship, lifting up the Blood Stained Banner, exalting the Lamb of God whom has taken away the sins of the World, whom has risen from the Grave with all Power, Glory and Dominion invested in Him, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in pursuing daily more intimacy with You, we reach for the stars and many times miss the mark and thus we bring before You all our shortcomings, our failures, our downfalls and our sins and transgressions, all the things in which our thoughts, actions and deeds have proven less than Your most excellent standard of Holiness, and thus we repent and beg Your faithful forgiveness, in the name of Yeshua, and by the Blood of Christ, Selah!

Father, as we have forgiven all others, so You forgive us, and bless us with total and complete absolution found in the washing and cleansing of the Blood of Jesus, the Blood with the wonder working, yoke destroying Power of God, saving from the guttermost to the uttermost, delivering us from the wiles and schemes of the evil one, setting us free from every bondage and shackle, all the enslavement of sin, every pang of death, Hallelu YAH!

Father, may we drink deeply of this juice that flows from Emanuel’s veins, this rich and ruby red Blood of the Covenant, that sets us free from the penalties of the Law, that removes the curse and brings us once again into the most Holy Communion, that washes away the stain and stench of sin, that ministers the very reconciliation unto us between God and man, Oh how precious and sweet is this flow that makes the Glory of God within us Grow, Oh what a Sweet Sweet Savior Thou are! Oh, Most Holy God, Selah!

Oh Father, Most Holy Prince of Peace, may we draw closer to You, and as we do, we shall fulfill every desire and purpose of Your Will, being perfected in The Way by Your Divine Presence and this Most Holy Communion. Father, all these good things we ask, by Faith, in the name of Him Whom is True, the only Begotten of the Father, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, the Bright and Morning Star, The Lord of All Glory, Hallelu YAH! Amen