Father, Dearest YAHWEH, Most Holy and Righteous ELOHIM, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, You Whom in Majesty hung the stars and planets in the Heavens, spoke and the worlds came into existence, breathed the breathe of Life into dirt and Adam became a living spirit with a soul in a lump of clay. You Father, Most Glorious, full of Love, Mercy and Grace, You are Truth, Above and before All, HALLELU YAH!
Father, we take upon ourselves Your yoke of slavery, and in submission find all Life, Freedom and Liberty, blessed with every possible provision from the storehouses of Heaven’s Providence, supplied daily with every good and gracious need met, we are caught up in a spirit of Thanksgiving, eternally, now the plane we live on, we have a praise and a worship unending, unlimited and never ceasing for our hearts are full of the most sweet and sincere songs of salvation, Selah!
Father, forever we shall look back to Calvary in gratitude as we view our suffering Savior’s Sacrifice, our hearts fill to overflowing with a magnitude of appreciation for such unselfish love, making a way that we might enjoy this present communion, enabled to pray a prayer, to present ourselves in Your perfect Presence, partake of the blessings of the Household of Faith, living as Kingdom Kids, Children of God, bought by the price paid by Christ, Hallelu YAH!
Father, how blessed we are to be givers, bestowing forgiveness as required by our familial dictates, thoroughly examining ourselves for the mark missing of sin that we might grow in the fruits of repentance, bringing every transgression of Your will and purpose before You, begging and beseeching Your faithful forgiveness and enjoying all the blessings of penitence and its accompanying washing and cleansing in the Blood of the Lamb, Selah!
Father, like Gabriel blowing the celestial trumpet our hearts burst forth in Joy in the washing of the Blood of Jesus, celebrating in the cleansing, enjoying the anointing, dipping deeply and immersing ourselves in the depths of Holiness, always enjoying being soaked and drenched in The Holy Spirit Unction, privileged to come forth in the royal robes of Righteousness, a Spiritual Covering that adorns us in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, Blessed unto every good work and service, Hallelu YAH!
Oh Father, how precious it is to walk with You, to set out on this pilgrimage knowing beforehand that this world is not our home, thus we are sojourners passing through, shedding abroad and about all the blessings of Your Mighty Love as we go, spreading the Word of God, testifying unto Your many miracles and wonders, all the blessings of so great a salvation, we whom in Christ have died to sin and risen to Life Everlasting, Selah!
Father, we thank You for every good and gracious thing You have done and continue to do for us, so bless us that we may indeed pray without ceasing, preach the Gospel with power, and have a praise and worship perpetually from our hearts, as we pray this day in Faith, in the mighty and matchless name above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the Son of the Living God, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen