Father YAHWEH, Most Holy Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD of All, Creator! Father, our hearts fill with sorrow as we imagine the suffering Death of Christ on the Cross, that very God, in Ultimate and Utmost Love, would shed all of His Glory, and leave the throne room of Heaven, don the apparel of humanity, with the will to sacrifice Himself as the Paschal Lamb, to suffer the cruelty of the devil’s minions, to endure the abandonment of the Father, carrying the burden of all sin, of all time, and of all manner, being very righteousness, perfect purity, and infinitely innocent, for this and all we praise You, HALLELU YAH!
Father, we open our hearts that we might Behold the Lamb of God whom has taken away the sins of the world. The true temple was being destroyed, the Temple not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens, yet, not destroyed but changed as You Father reached down into the pits of Hell and with a mighty Hand, a Hand Mighty to Save, to Heal, to Deliver, to Set Free, You reached and raised Your Only Begotten, that He might be the Firstfruits of many brethren in Salvation, Selah!
Father we plead and receive forgiveness of all of our sins, repentant, remorseful, Godly sorrowful, with a mind clearly counting the cost of our cleansing. Father we thank You for the purchase of our salvation by the blood of Jesus, the bath we so readily partake of and enjoy, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we thank You, that we are able to hide ourselves in You, the covering of the tallith, our Holy Prayer closet of cloth, our Holy Spirit hideaway, the sanctuary of the Most High, for we have an inheritance of Spirit and Truth, and all we need do is approach You in prayer, Selah!
Father, we pray the blessings of Heaven upon all mankind, yet most especially upon the elect, the very household of faith, that this day we may be blessed to be a blessing. Father we pray the same Love that was in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto Himself, would be kindled afresh and anew in our hearts, and that we would appropriate the Holy Spirit unto all unselfishness, charity and giving, being the hallmarks, signet, stamp and seal, of the great love that resides, flows and ebbs within us invoking a shout of praise, Hallelu YAH!
Father, may this day we leave the mark of a Holy God upon this world, that the Holy Spirit manifest in great power such that the drawing of men to the gospel message be so magnetic, so attractive, that those chosen, will so chose. Father we thank You this day for all of our daily provisions, both spiritual and temporal, being mindful that in You is no lack, only peace. Father, bless the laborers and the harvest that the peacemakers whom sow in peace, will gather a harvest of righteousness, Selah!
Father, we thank You for the very privilege of prayer, as we present ourselves before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the heaven’s, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the magnificent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen