
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator, we come unto You with Thanksgiving for the abundant provisions of our daily needs, the eternal blessings of Your Heavenly Providence upon our temporal circumstances, by virtue of Your generosity our supply of daily bread is endless, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, we are most appreciative of the greater blessings in the spiritual manna, The Bread of Life, the food that nourishes the true man, the provisions of the royal priesthood, that which provides an overflow in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, that which works out the mind of Christ in us, the stuff of which true wealth, riches and abundance are known, Selah!

Father, we look to Calvary and seeing it, we bring all of our sins before You, taking the time to ensure the Temple of The Holy Spirit is swept clean of all leaven, placing all at the foot of the cross, and into the pools of Blood, left over the millenniums of time, irremovable, so that those whom would, the very elect, might partake of the most marvelous of all miracles, the salvation of the repentant, the blessings of righteousness of the redeemed, the initial washing of the Blood, the initiation into the rites, and rights of eternal life, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we make known unto You our thanks, we show it forth in the walking out of our worship, in the projection of our praise, and in the presentation of our prayers, and we are forever thankful, Selah!

Father, as we the sons and daughters of YAHWEH, beg Your forgiveness, we are so blessed in Your faithfulness that we receive the blessed forgiveness and attendant purifying in the fountains of the blood of the Lamb, that which flows freely from the veins of our Blessed Savior, whom is so now Emanuel, in the person of The Holy Spirit, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless our goings out and comings in, that we may be ample ambassadors, very righteous representatives, of the Word of God. Father, may our labor in the harvest be blessed, and the focus of our hearts pure, as we extend Your presence in reflection of so great Love, that all that would, might be drawn unto You, as we lift You up. Father, we drink the cup of sufferings, in joy and peace, praising You for the many afflictions of the righteous, that our service unto You might not be in vain, Selah!

Father, we ask Your continued blessings upon the prayers of the Saints, as we make ourselves known unto You this day, by our presentations before Your throne of Glory, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the most potent power of His precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen