
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator! Father, Thou are God there is no other, from the rising of the sun, to the setting of the same, Your dominion, glory and power are intact and verified. You are the One Whose authority is infinite, Whose power is ultimate, Whose knowledge is forever, Whose wisdom is eternal, Whose presence is terrifying, Whose Glory is humbling, Whose being is LOVE! Hallelu YAH!

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Father, Oh, What great and grand blessings You bestow upon Your children from Your Glory on High, Your Providence enriches our lives with a cornucopia of abundance, we are blessed in all of our comings and goings, as provisions for our every need are more than substantial and our cups over runneth on a daily basis, Selah!

Father, You give us more than enough reasons for our spirits to be forever in a state and condition of Thanksgiving, and thus we praise You and magnify Your Name above All Names. You are a Glory God! Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bow before You, beseeching the forgiveness of all our sins, every thought and deed that was not aligned with Your purpose or obedient to Your Will, of all of these we repent, and express our deepest sorrow, remorseful and penitent as we accept the graciousness of Your Faithful Forgiveness, and partake of the complete absolution that is attendant to the washing and cleansing of the Blood of Jesus, Selah!

Father, empower us to intercede on behalf of others, to step into and stand in the gap, positioning our selves as spiritual warriors, mightily equipped. armoured and prepared by the household of Faith, and with the unction of The Holy Spirit, prayer, praise and The Word of God in our arsenal, moving to break and destroy every weapon formed against us, every yoke of oppression, every link and chain of bondage, every prison of despair, forever setting the captives free unto eternal life as we spread the Good News of the Gospel of Salvation, Hallelu YAH!

Father, many of our brothers and sisters have picked up their cross and walked the Via Delarosa with You, sacrificing all, to the leading of the Holy Spirit, having gotten out of the security of the boat to walk on the waters of Faith, even in the very midst of the storms of their lives, believing full well that Thou Yehovah God, YAHWEH, will speak to Bal of the Storm, PEACE! and calm the raging winds and tides of our lives that we may continue to serve You. Father, continue to be a light unto our paths and guide us into Your perfect peace as we prove ourselves loyal and fit in Your service, Selah!

Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, and even more especially the prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the Heavens, in the mighty name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen