
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator, we Praise You, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we bow before Your grandeur, Your majesty, Your glory, for You are truly wonderful, magnificent, marvelous and stupendous. Your loving kindness is unmatchable, limitless, as is Your Grace, awesome beyond measure. Our daily needs are met from Your cornucopia of prosperity, Your horn of plenty, an endless supply of Your eternal Providence, and LORD we are grateful, thankful, appreciative of Your many blessings, Selah!

Father, our penitent hearts beg Your forgiveness of all or our sins and transgressions, accepting by Your so great mercy and unending grace, the blessed absolution and cleansing of the Blood of the Lamb, Hallelu YAH!

Father, some showering, some bathing, some immersing completely in the Blood, some content to just soak in the refreshing, the restoration, the healing, the deliverance, the burden removing, yoke destroying power of the Blood that flows freely, always potent and forever powerful, Selah!

Father, we rise, emerging, soaked and dripping, letting the blood touch and anoint where it will, spreading it as we do the Word of God, seeking the places of sorrow, despair and pain, wherever its unction may do the most good, Mighty God! Mighty God! We speak and sing Your Praise, Hallelu YAH!

Father, may Christ continue to guide His Church, lead us in the Way You would have us to go, Father, we pray our wills down, submitted unto You, for in You we haven’t any needs, and thus may our burning desires be to do the will of Him whom sends us. Father, our anticipation is becoming great as we see the nearing of the Great Day of the Lord, when we shall ride the white stallions and mares of the Great White Horse Army, our Savior, our King at the forefront, His banner over us LOVE, as we charge onward unto Victory. Father, ready us up, Selah!

Father, bless all of the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the Heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen