Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Your Name is Hallowed and Holy Above All, You are Wonderful, Glorious and Magnificent, Worthy of All Honor, All Glory, All Worship and All Praise. May We forever exalt You, The Supreme Sovereign LORD God Creator, Awesome and Amazing, ADONAI! HALLELU YAH!
Father, daily and forever we are blessed, enriched, enlightened and exalted by Your Divine Presence in our lives. Your Providence provides constantly our every need, Your Wisdom guides us and leads us, Your Power protects and secures us, our Faith is forever blessed and our thanksgiving is an eternal rich release of our expressions of appreciation and gratefulness, Selah!
Father, Thy Word in both The Spirit and Written is a constant companion and friend, The Living Bread of Heaven, feeding us until our want is complete, Living Water refreshing us, invigorating us, energizing us, blessing us to Worship in You, Spirit and Truth abounding, Holy and Heavenly, HALLELU YAH!
Father, we are blessed to request the forgiveness of all of our sins, as we forgive those whom have transgressed against us, repenting of all things unlike You, our selfishness, covetousness, greed, personal ambitions, pride, lusts, to mention a mere few of our many missing of Your marks. Oh Father, how sweet it is to be able to reconcile with You through the suffering and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, Selah!
Father, in deepest gratitude we take to the baths in the pools that flow of the fountains running red with the blood of Emanuel’s veins, the precious drink of Holy Communion, submerging and immersing ourselves in the atonement, the at oneness, the fellowship in divinity, the sharing of the Holy Character, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we rise this day, pure, chaste and innocent, on fire with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, begging to be used in Your Holy Harvest of Souls, requesting that Salvation rain down upon all mankind, like a Holy Spirit Hurricane, a Divine Tornado destroying all of the works of evil and touching the hearts and minds of men with conviction, repentance, love, faith and redemption, Selah!
Father, humbly we request a blessing on all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we boldly submit them before Your throne in Glory, unto You the Most High and Holy, counting all Your Will done in Heaven and Earth, in the mighty and matchless name above all names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The Most True and Wonderful Son of the Living and Most High God, Hallelu YAH! Amen