
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator! Father, Oh Father, we are amazed just to call You Father, how blessed is this communion, to come before the Almighty and Awesome ADONAI, approach You as Our Father! We enjoy and partake of Your Divine Presence overshadowing and encompassing of our total beings, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, How Good, How Gracious is Your Love for us, that while we were yet Sinners, You Sacrificed, Bled and Died for Us, Glory! No Sacrifice was too great, no suffering too much, no sorrow unendurable, no pain too immense, no measure too full. Are You Most Worthy to Be Praised? For Sure! You are the very Rock of Our Salvation, Selah!

Father, Your faithfulness towards mankind is awesome, Your steadfast consistency in supplying our every need, the blessings of Providence covering us in benevolence, Your charity is a mighty example for the giving and generous attitude of the righteous. Your guidance and counsel is a sure foundation for the obedient, Your benefits are infinite, eternal and everlasting. Such is the abundant life and we are appreciative and grateful, Hallelu YAH!

Father, once more and again in complete reverence and regretful remorse, we bring before Your judicious and tender mercy the error of our ways. Father, in sincerest repentance we beg Your forgiveness of all of our sins, mindful of Your desire for our holiness, and humbly accept the blessed absolution and cleansing by the blood of the Lamb for all of our waywardness, Selah!

Father, gleefully we rise, rejoicing in the refreshing and renewal, grateful of grace, dripping in anointing, dipped in the Blood, soaking in the Love of our Dear Father. Father, Oh Father, we are ready, willing and enabled to operate in all the many and manifold blessings of Sainthood. Blessed on the left, on the right, up above and down below, blessed coming in and going out, Blessed to be Blessings. Glory Hallelujah! We are Blessed!

Father, in Praise and Worship we serve You, spreading the Word of God, commissioned to bless the entire world, flowing in Love, rejoicing in the bringing in of the Harvest, setting the captives free, seeking the lost, carrying the contagion of salvation, healing and deliverance, a liberating force to those oppressed and enslaved by evil and sin. Lifting up the Blood Stained Banner, Victory is ours, so sweet is our Savior, Selah!

Father, bless this and all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most definitely our prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your glorious throne in the Heavens, in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Only Begotten of the Living God, and by the most miraculous and potent power of His precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen