Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, the ultimate LOVE, the eternal PEACE, the everlasting JOY, our amazing GRACE, our infinite SALVATION, all encompassing DELIVERANCE, our complete HEALING, Hallelu YAH!
Father, unto You we bring our wealth of worship, our psalms of praise, for we glorify, magnify, and edify Your Name. Father, bless us, the whole body of Christ, the army of liberation, Your Saints, with complete forgiveness of all of our sins, the justification we have by faith, in the eternal work of the sacrifice and suffering of the Lamb of God, Selah!
Father, we gleefully wash in the pools of the fountains of the Blood, enjoying our daily “get right” with You, as the prudish and snobs of religion ponder, “why should they be so blessed, so favored, so forgiven?” Father, we thank You that in You is a sweet resting place, the Joy of our salvation, a righteous inheritance, an eternal abode of abundant life for which we praise You, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we rise this day, dedicated, devoted, consecrated and sanctified to so great a salvation, obliged by the Love bursting forth from our overflowing hearts, to preach the Word, in season or out, heal the sick, deliver the bound, set the captives free, to be living Word, praying, praising, and worshiping as the very living of life, continuously non-stop, in your face, Christianity, Selah!
Father, we rise a salty people, distinct, unique, specifically peculiar, particular to Jesus, a flavor that preserves life everlasting. Bearing forth fruit so bountifully, Father, the Fruit of the Spirit, that all mankind is astonished with the anointing, His shining in our countenance, for we have spent time with the KING, our Words are very salvation, our touch is healing, for what we bind is bound, what we cast out is removed, We are The Children of God, we appropriate what is ours, we advance the KINGDOM, by the violence of our righteousness, love, joy and peace, praise God, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we are on the set, we are in the House, let all know, the Kingdom is here in us, Kingdom KIDS, invincible, victorious, unbeatable, conquering, expanding, fortifying, making straight paths for the appearance of our soon coming KING, behold, look, He cracks the sky, shortly, we must be prepared, Father, please keep the blessings coming, continue to pour out Your Holy Spirit on all flesh, Your sons and daughters are here responding, Father, we LOVE YOU! Selah!
Father, bless us this day in the privilege of Prayer, as we, Your Family, present before Your Throne of Glory eternal in the Heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of All Glory and by the Power of His Most Precious Shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen