
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, CREATOR, the name above all names, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel. The True and Living One deserving of All Praise, Honor and Glory, Most Worthy of Worship, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we gratefully acknowledge in all thanksgiving the endless provisions of Your precious Providence, the fulfilling of all of our daily needs, an everlasting bounty from an everlasting God, for You are the most Gracious, the Most High, the Most Worthy of Worship, and we Praise You, we Thank You, We Forever Hold You in Highest Esteem, Selah!

Father, humbly we bow before You beseeching the forgiveness of all of our sins, our disobedience and our wilfulness, the failures in our missing the marks of your most excellent standard of Holiness, for even in the very midst of our repentance we praise You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, You extend Your forgiveness towards us in an expression of Mighty Love and we are guided by Your hand into the pools that flow from the fountains of Emanuel’s veins, the Blood bath of the Sacrificial Lamb whom takes away the sins of the world. Father we are dipped, immersed and bathed in the Blood of Jesus, rising unto perfection, all Holiness, Righteous and Peace. From our grateful hearts issue forth the sounds of Joy, Unspeakable, unstoppable, uncontrollable Joy, Selah!

Father, lead us in the paths of Righteousness this day that we might be an expression of Your so Great Love, that Your Word in us to the world might bring salvation, deliverance, and healing, setting the captives free and overturning the bastions of wickedness. Bless our prophesying, our prayers, our praise and our worship, let all of our service be a sweet savor to Your senses, may we be a pleasing odor to Your nostrils, a delight to Your sight, as our works of faith dispels all fear, and brings joy to Your ear, Hallelu YAH!

Father, deliver Your children this day, from the four corners of the earth may we experience the accord of the Holy Spirit, may our unity of purpose be a mighty witness throughout the world that YAHWEH is always on the throne, that through You flows peace, perfect peace, a peace that passes all understanding, how blessed is Your sweet serenity, Selah!

Father, bless the many prayers of the Saints today, hear our hearts as we present our petitions of piety before Your throne of authority eternal in the heavens, in the name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen