Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator! Father, we wake each day to a miraculous world full of splendor and wondrous things. We witness daily the creation of which You spoke into existence and we are overwhelmed by Your magnificence and glory, Hallelu YAH!
From the eyes of a child, the warmth of a smile, the cool breeze upon our brow, the gentle fragrance of the mist of morning dew and we are graced with a serenity of faith that calms all the raging seas of doubt. From the majesty of Your mountains to the symphonies of Your seas, You have abundantly blessed us with an entertainment of grand proportions and the entrance fee is gratitude and humility. Father, if we never take the time to count the blessings amply provided Thou are not to fault, if we remain blind to so great Providence, the wealth of which is uncountable, whom should we blame, Selah!
Father, grace our hearts with gratitude that the eyes of our spirits would be opened daily and see the wealth of the child of God. Father, for the vast wealth and riches You have made available we say Thank You, and Glorify Your Name, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in abject humility we come before Your throne of righteousness, pleading the forgiveness of all of our sins, every place we have missed the mark of holiness, the less than excellent performance of Your will, the vile abominations of our hearts, the secret schemes of our wills, all of these things we repent from and request they be cast into the sea of forgetfulness, Selah!
Father, we thank You, and accept Your Faithful Forgiveness, and thus blessed once again by the washing of the Blood, from the eternal equity of our heavenly accounts, birthing in us a fresh righteousness, holiness, purity and innocence, and restoring us into complete communion, erasing all the stains and stench of sin. Hallelu YAH!
Father, we pray a blessing of Grace and Love upon this sin sick world, such that sinners will be convicted and Repent, Salvation for eternity will be acquired, and we in the conditions of temporal life will be delivered from all manner of evil, bondage and oppression. Father, we pray the Word of God into all mankind, creating an internal revival where the heart is for God, that the spiritual warfare of spirit, soul and body be carried out with the Kingdom of God winning the victory in every heart. Father, we present our bodies as living sacrifices unto You, following in Your foot steps, carrying our cross, being faithful unto death, even death on a cross, killing the flesh in a determined state of mind, turning our lives into living sanctuaries of the Holy Spirit, which are our Spiritual acts, our lives of Worship. Father thus determined to live out our days in You, serving with You, there is no weapon formed against us which may prosper and thus, we Thank You, for the VICTORY! Selah!
Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen