
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD, God, Creator! Father, throughout the ages You have been our Protector, Provider, and our Peace. Constantly You have made for us a Way when there seemed to be no way, for this and everything we give You the Praise, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, our praise of You is never ending for Your glory knows no bounds, Your Grace is limitless and of Your Mercy and Compassion the supply overflows. Father, our spirits lift You up in adoration, admiration and amore, as we joyously minister our thanksgiving unto You for all the blessings of Your considerate and kind Providence, Selah!

Father, we rise in all the power and the glory of the Holy Spirit, a people likened unto our God, richly and undeservedly rewarded in the divine nature and character of You our Heavenly Father. Great thanksgiving abounds from our hearts, our souls are full of praise and worship, our bodies living sacrifices and sanctuaries for the Most High God. Hallelu YAH!

Father, we are so in need of Your grace, as we once more and again, now and forever, penitently beg Your forgiveness of all of our sins. From the least of our transgressions unto the greatest, we indulge Your faithful forgiveness and remorsefully receive the full absolution that comes with the washing in the pools of the fountains of Blood that flows so richly of Emanuel’s veins, Selah!

Father, in constant communion with You, we proceed as laborers in the great harvest of souls throughout the world. Yoked and enjoined with You, we are made fit for the tasks, the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ flows readily from our lips, setting the captives free and providing all the elect of the world the opportunity of salvation, healing and deliverance, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we thank You that we might be used of You to bless the world with all the gifts of eternal life. Father, teach us to carve out the day with priority time set aside for the studying of Your Holy Word, meditation and prayer, that we might be always prepared to give an answer for the joy that lives within us, Selah!

Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints this day and most especially our prayers of intercession as we plead the blood of Christ and claim all things done in the Holy, Matchless and Mighty Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, Hallelu YAH! Amen