
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD, GOD, Creator! Father, we enter Your courts with thanksgiving as we are decreased, that we are reduced, that Your glory might continue to grow and show out big in us, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we thank You for every weakness in our personal strength, that our character might be tempered on the anvil of Your love. Father pound us under the hammer, heat us in the flames, quench us in the water, that we might be tempered to Your use, Selah!

Father, we appreciate every provision by Providence of our daily needs. Father, Your compassion and mercy upon us, boggles our minds; we cannot contain nor comprehend the magnitude of Your generosity. We are overwhelmed just to be grateful, thus our devotion, praise and worship, Hallelu YAH!

Father, cleanse us of all unrighteousness, forgive us of all of our sins and transgressions, as our remorse is sincere and our regrets are many, our hearts are penitent, while Your mercy endures forever. Father, we thank You for Your faithful forgiveness and are overjoyed to accept our complete absolution with its accompanying bath in the pools of the fountains of the blood of the Lamb, Selah!

Father, Your Grace towards us is amazing, unending, boundless, limitless, forever, eternal, and just plain awesome. Father, we thank You that our hearts are not too proud, our piety not unto self righteousness that we might partake of so great a Grace. Father, Your wisdom imparted to us has allowed us to see our need, and gratefully we run to You for its fulfillment, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we thank You that although many were called unto Salvation, only but a few were chosen, and thus, the gifting of everlasting, eternal, abundant life is a blessing of indescribable proportions. We shall forever lift our eyes unto Calvary where the great sacrifice of the centuries was made, where Love, very Love worked its perfect Work. Father, we shall forever be humbly grateful and appreciative, Selah!

Father, as always, bless all of the prayers of the Saints, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them faultless before Your throne in glory, unto the all true and wise God, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Most Holy One of Israel, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood. Hallelu YAH! Amen