Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father we are ever so grateful for the mighty privilege of prayer. What a blessing to be able to come before You on behalf of ourselves and others. You are Preeminent amongst all, very GOD! Hallelu YAH!
Father, we thank You that we are numbered amongst the saved, partakers of eternal life, blessed by the abundance of Your heavenly Providence, supplied by Your constant provision, all of our daily needs are met, Selah!
Father, with grateful hearts we sing Your praise, our voices lift You up in devoted worship, our spirits soar on high with the wings of eagles, we inhabit the halls of holiness, the realms of the spiritually sanctified sky. Our beings are transformed into very praise; our lives become very worship, for we are the children of the Most High God, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in remorse, repentance and much regret, we bow before You, begging the forgiveness of all of our sins. Father, we thank You, as we accept the benefits of Your faithful forgiveness and receive the cleansing that comes from the washing in the pools of the fountains that flow with the Blood of Jesus, Selah!
Father, we rise this day, dripping in the anointing, sanctified spirits, holy, pleasing, perfect and pure, purposed and devoted unto Your glory and will. Father, we thank You for the internal spiritual victories over the will of the self which manifest in glory, anointing and unction in our countenance towards the world. We are shining in the glory of the Mighty God, complete and perfect to perform every possible deed and service for You our Holy Majesty, Hallelu YAH!
Father, how magnificent to be in communion with You, sharing Your divine nature and character as we go about the tasks of the day. Men and women after God’s own heart, walking and talking with You, minute by minute, second by second, sharing in every good work in the salvation, deliverance and healing of those in darkness. Father, we thank You that we are welcomed and privileged to share in this great work, Selah!
Father, please bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, with special attention upon our prayers of intercession as we present them faultless before Your throne in glory, in the name of Jesus the Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the True and All Wise God, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen